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ASTM E1304 : 97(2014)

Standard Test Method for Plane-Strain (Chevron-Notch) Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials

Standard Details

1.1 This test method covers the determination of plane-strain (chevron-notch) fracture toughnesses, KIv or KIvM, of metallic materials. Fracture toughness by this method is relative to a slowly advancing steady state crack initiated at a chevron-shaped notch, and propagating in a chevron-shaped ligament (Fig. 1). Some metallic materials, when tested by this method, exhibit a sporadic crack growth in which the crack front remains nearly stationary until a critical load is reached. The crack then becomes unstable and suddenly advances at high speed to the next arrest point. For these materials, this test method covers the determination of the plane-strain fracture toughness, KIvj or KIvM, relative to the crack at the points of instability.

(A) See Fig. 6.
(A) See Fig. 6.
(B) See Note 1.
(A) Compiled from Refs (1), (2), (3), and (4), and using the polynomials in Table 5.
(B) Minimum value of Y*.
(A) Compiled from Refs (1), (2), (3), and (4).
(B) Y* = exp[C0  + C1 r + C2 r2  + C3 r3  + C4 r4 ], accuracy ±0.5 %.
(C) Estimated from finite element analysis (3), and extrapolated equation from Ref (4). Accuracy for 0.3 r 0.85 is ±0.5 %.
(D) Extrapolated from equations in Ref (4). Accuracy estimated to be ±0.5 % for 0.2 r 0.85.
(E) Equation from Ref (4). Accuracy estimated to be± 0.5 % for 0.15 r 0.6.

General Information

Status : Historical
Standard Type: Main
Document No: ASTM E1304 : 97(2014)
Document Year: 1997
Pages: 12
  • Section Volume:
  • 03.01 Volume 03.01 Metals -- Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallography

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ASTM E1304 : 97(2014)

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