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ASTM D6246 : 08

Standard Practice for Evaluating the Performance of Diffusive Samplers

Standard Details

1.1 This practice covers the evaluation of the performance of diffusive samplers of gases and vapors for use over sampling periods from 4 to 12 h and for wind speeds less than 0.5 m/s. Such sampling periods and wind speeds are the most common in the indoor workplace setting. This practice does not apply to static or area sampling in wind speeds less than 0.1 m/s, when diffusion outside the sampler may dominate needed convection from the ambient air to the vicinity of the sampler. Given a suitable exposure chamber, the practice can be extended to cover sampler use for other sampling periods and conditions. The aim is to provide a concise set of experiments for classifying samplers primarily in accordance with a single sampler accuracy figure. Accuracy is defined (3.2.1) in this standard so as to take into account both imprecision and uncorrected bias. Accuracy estimates refer to conditions of sampler use which are normally expected in a workplace setting. These conditions may be characterized by the temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and ambient wind speed, none of which may be constant or accurately known when the sampler is used in the field. Futhermore, the accuracy accounts for the effects of diffusive loss of analyte on the estimation of time-weighted averages of concentrations which may not be constant in time. Aside from accuracy, the samplers are tested for compliance with the manufacturer's stated limits on capacity, possibly in the presence of interfering compounds.

1.2 This practice is an extension of previous research on diffusive samplers (1-14) as well as Practices D 4597, D 4598, D 4599, and MDHS 27. An essential advance here is the estimation of sampler accuracy under actual conditions of use. Futhermore, the costs of sampler evaluation are reduced.

1.3 Knowledge gained from similar analytes expedites sampler evaluation. For example, interpolation of data characterizing the sampling of analytes at separated points of a homologous series of compounds is recommended. At present the procedure of (9) is suggested. Following evaluation of a sampler in use at a single homologous series member according to the present practice, higher molecular weight members would receive partial validations considering sampling rate, capacity, analytical recovery, and interferences. The test for diffusive analyte loss can be omitted if the effect is found negligible for a given sampler or analyte series.

1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.

1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

General Information

Status : Historical
Standard Type: Main
Document No: ASTM D6246 : 08
Document Year: 2008
Pages: 8
  • Section Volume:
  • 11.07 Volume 11.07 Air Quality

Life Cycle

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ASTM D6246 : 08


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