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CSA ISO 20024:21

Solid biofuels — Safe handling and storage of solid biofuel pellets in commercial and industrial applications (Adopted ISO 20024:2020, first edition, 2020-02)

Standard Details

CSA Preface This is the first edition of CSA ISO 20024, Solid biofuels — Safe handling and storage of solid biofuel pellets in commercial and industrial applications , which is an adoption without modification of the identically titled ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 20024 (first edition, 2020-02). This Standard provides principles and requirements for safe handling and storage of solid biofuels pellets in commercial and industrial applications. This Standard is using a risk-based approach to determine what safety measures should be considered. Facilities with a storage capacity <100 t are covered by CSA ISO 20023:21, Solid biofuels — Safety of solid biofuel pellets — Safe handling and storage of wood pellets in residential and other small-scale applications. Generally, for end-user facilities with a storage capacity of <1 000 t, CSA ISO 20023 could also be applicable if storage principle and facility complexity is in-line with the objectives of CSA ISO 20023. This Standard covers the handling and storage process of pellets in the following applications: • at a pellet production plant from the outlet of the cooler unit until loaded for transportation; • at a commercial distributor from the receiving station until loaded for transportation; and • at an industrial end-user from the receiving station until fed into the fuel preparation or combustion process. Although unloading and loading of e.g., vessels, trains, or trucks are included in the operational envelopes defined above, the safety aspect of the transportation itself is beyond the scope of this Standard. This Standard also gives specific guidance on detection and suppression systems and preparatory measures to enable safe and efficient firefighting operations. Guidance on the management of fire and explosion incidents is also specified. This Standard has been developed in compliance with StandardDetails Council of Canada requirements for National StandardDetails of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group. Scope This document provides principles and requirements for safe handling and storage of solid biofuels pellets in commercial and industrial applications. This document is using a risk-based approach to determine what safety measures should be considered. Facilities with a storage capacity <100 t are covered by ISO 20023. Generally, for end-user facilities with a storage capacity of <1 000 t, ISO 20023 could also be applicable if storage principle and facility complexity is in-line with the objectives of ISO 20023. This document covers the handling and storage process of pellets in the following applications: — at a pellet production plant from the outlet of the cooler unit until loaded for transportation; — at a commercial distributor from the receiving station until loaded for transportation; and — at an industrial end-user from the receiving station until fed into the fuel preparation or combustion process. Although unloading and loading of e.g. vessels, trains or trucks are included in the operational envelops defined above, the safety aspect of the transportation itself is beyond the scope of this document. This document also gives specific guidance on detection and suppression systems and preparatory measures to enable safe and efficient firefighting operations. Guidance on the management of fire and explosion incidents is also specified.

General Information

Status : ACTIVE
Standard Type: Main
Document No: CSA ISO 20024:21
Document Year: 2021
Pages: 140
Adopted: Yes

Life Cycle

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CSA ISO 20024:21
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