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IEC 61010-2-034:2023 (EN-FR)

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-034: Particular requirements for measurement equipment for insulation resistance and test equipment for electric strength

Standard Details

IEC 61010-2-034:2023 specifies safety requirements to equipment for measuring insulation resistance and to equipment for testing electric strength which have an output voltage exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. This document also applies to combined measuring equipment which has an insulation resistance measurement function or an electric strength test measurement function. This document has the status of a horizontal publication in accordance with IEC Guide 108. It has the status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) in 1.2.1, requirements for protection against hazards which could occur from reading a voltage have been added to the scope;
b) Clause 2, all normative references have been dated; new normative references have been added;
c) in, requirements for power supply have been modified;
d) in, requirements for inputs/outputs have been modified;
e) in, minimum ratings for voltage of measuring terminals are required;
f) in 5.4.2, new ratings for documentation have been added;
g) in 5.4.4, new instructions for operation have been added;
h) in 5.101.1, hazard indicators shall be functional in normal condition and in single fault condition;
i) in, insulating material of group I may be allowed for determination of creepage distances of measuring circuit terminals;
j) in, Clearances and creepage distances above 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. for measuring circuit terminals in unmated position have been defined;
k) in, requirements for measuring circuit terminals in partially mated position have been specified;
l) in, requirements for measuring circuit terminals in mated position have been specified;
m) Subclause 6.102 replaces 6.9.103 and has been rephrased;
n) new Subclause 9.101 to consider the protection of measuring circuits against the spread of fire and arc flash has been added. Table 102 has been replaced by Table K.101;
o) In 9.101.2, relocation of 101.3 of previous edition;
p) In 9.101.3, relocation of 101.4 of previous edition, extension to measurement category II and reference to IEC 61000-4-5 for tests;
q) in 9.101.4, requirements for measuring circuit terminals in mated position have been specified;
r) in 9.101.5, relocation of K.103 of previous edition with numerous technical changes;
s) in 14.101, relocation of 14.102. 14.101 of previous edition has been removed;
t) in 101.3, relocation of 101.5 of previous edition, and more requirements added against hazard occurring from reading a voltage value;
u) in K.2.1, another method for determination of clearances of secondary circuits is proposed;
v) in K.3.2, new Table K.15 and Table K.16 for clearance calculation;
w) in K.3.101, relocation of 6.9.104 of previous edition;
x) in K.101.4.1, new Table K.103 and Table K.104 replace Table K.102, Table K.103 and Table K.104;
y) in K.101.4, the subclause has been reviewed. Tables and tests for solid insulation have been modified. Table K.105 replaces Table K.9;
z) Table K.101, replacement of Table K.106;
aa) Clause K.4, redraft of the clause to propose a method for determination of Ut for circuits which reduce transient overvoltages;
bb) Annex EE: addition of a new informative annex for determination of clearances for Table 101.

General Information

Status : ACTIVE
Standard Type: Main
Document No: IEC 61010-2-034:2023 (EN-FR)
Document Year: 2023
Pages: 123
Edition: 2.0
  • Section Volume:
  • TC 66 Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
  • ICS:
  • 19.080 Electrical and electronic testing
  • 71.040.10 Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment

Life Cycle

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IEC 61010-2-034:2023 (EN-FR)
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