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IEC 61010-2-034:2023 EXV

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-034: Particular requirements for measurement equipment for insulation resistance and test equipment for electric strength

Standard Details

IEC 61010-2-034:2023 EXV contains both the international standard and its extended version (EXV). This extended version of the official IEC Standard is available in English only and provides the user with the comprehensive content of the Standard. IEC 61010-2-034:2023 EXV includes the content of the references made to IEC 61010-1:2010 and IEC 61010-1:2010/AMD1:2016.

IEC 61010-2-034:2023 specifies safety requirements to equipment for measuring insulation resistance and to equipment for testing electric strength which have an output voltage exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c. This document also applies to combined measuring equipment which has an insulation resistance measurement function or an electric strength test measurement function. This document has the status of a horizontal publication in accordance with IEC Guide 108. It has the status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) in 1.2.1, requirements for protection against hazards which could occur from reading a voltage have been added to the scope;
b) Clause 2, all normative references have been dated; new normative references have been added;
c) in, requirements for power supply have been modified;
d) in, requirements for inputs/outputs have been modified;
e) in, minimum ratings for voltage of measuring terminals are required;
f) in 5.4.2, new ratings for documentation have been added;
g) in 5.4.4, new instructions for operation have been added;
h) in 5.101.1, hazard indicators shall be functional in normal condition and in single fault condition;
i) in, insulating material of group I may be allowed for determination of creepage distances of measuring circuit terminals;
j) in, Clearances and creepage distances above 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. for measuring circuit terminals in unmated position have been defined;
k) in, requirements for measuring circuit terminals in partially mated position have been specified;
l) in, requirements for measuring circuit terminals in mated position have been specified;
m) Subclause 6.102 replaces 6.9.103 and has been rephrased;
n) new Subclause 9.101 to consider the protection of measuring circuits against the spread of fire and arc flash has been added. Table 102 has been replaced by Table K.101;
o) In 9.101.2, relocation of 101.3 of previous edition;
p) In 9.101.3, relocation of 101.4 of previous edition, extension to measurement category II and reference to IEC 61000-4-5 for tests;
q) in 9.101.4, requirements for measuring circuit terminals in mated position have been specified;
r) in 9.101.5, relocation of K.103 of previous edition with numerous technical changes;
s) in 14.101, relocation of 14.102. 14.101 of previous edition has been removed;
t) in 101.3, relocation of 101.5 of previous edition, and more requirements added against hazard occurring from reading a voltage value;
u) in K.2.1, another method for determination of clearances of secondary circuits is proposed;
v) in K.3.2, new Table K.15 and Table K.16 for clearance calculation;
w) in K.3.101, relocation of 6.9.104 of previous edition;
x) in K.101.4.1, new Table K.103 and Table K.104 replace Table K.102, Table K.103 and Table K.104;
y) in K.101.4, the subclause has been reviewed. Tables and tests for solid insulation have been modified. Table K.105 replaces Table K.9;
z) Table K.101, replacement of Table K.106;
aa) Clause K.4, redraft of the clause to propose a method for determination of Ut for circuits which reduce transient overvoltages;
bb) Annex EE: addition of a new informative annex for determination of clearances for Table 101.

General Information

Status : ACTIVE
Standard Type: Main
Document No: IEC 61010-2-034:2023 EXV
Document Year: 2023
Pages: 323
Edition: 2.0
  • Section Volume:
  • TC 66 Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
  • ICS:
  • 19.080 Electrical and electronic testing
  • 71.040.10 Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment

Life Cycle

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IEC 61010-2-034:2023 EXV
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