Groundwater Operations
Nearly 80% of all utilities, and most smaller systems, derive their source water from groundwater. Understanding the occurrence and behavior of groundwater and the impact is critical. This manual is intended to provide a general overview to help operators and engineering staff make decisions on design, installation, phasing, and repair needs for treating and managing groundwater. Among the major changes included in content from prior editions are the incorporation of the well construction standards formerly attached to Standard A100 Water Wells and a discussion in chapters 1 and 3 on sustainability of groundwater supplies in light of competition, lack of regulatory limitations, over drafting, and climate changes. In addition, groundwater protection, planning, and evaluation efforts have evolved during the past 10 years, which have been updated in chapter 3. Modeling techniques have developed as well, to the point where many consumptive-use projects include a modeling exercise. New uses of groundwater, such as aquifer storage and recovery, and new legal issues with interbasin transfers are covered as well.
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