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CSA ISO 50005:22

Energy management systems — Guidelines for a phased implementation (Adopted ISO 50005:2021, first edition, 2021-09)

Standard Details

CSA Preface This is the first edition of CSA ISO 50005, Energy management systems — Guidelines for a phased implementation, which is an adoption without modification of the identically titled ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Standard 50005 (first edition, 2021-09). For brevity, this Standard will be referred to as "CSA ISO 50005" throughout. This Standard is intended to be used in conjunction with CSA ISO 50001:19, Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for use (adopted ISO 50001:2018). This Standard was reviewed for Canadian adoption by the harmonized SCC Mirror Committee and CSA Subcommittee to ISO TC 301, Energy management and energy savings. This Standard has been formally approved by the CSA Technical Committee on Energy Management and Energy Savings, under the jurisdiction of the CSA Strategic Steering Committee on Organizational Management and Sustainability, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. This Standard has been developed in compliance with StandardDetails Council of Canada requirements for National StandardDetails of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group. Scope This document gives guidance for organizations on establishing a phased approach to implement an energy management system (EnMS). This phased approach is intended to support and simplify the implementation of an EnMS for all types of organizations, in particular for small and medium-sized organizations (SMOs). This document gives guidance on the use of twelve core elements with four levels of maturity for each element to establish, implement, maintain and improve an EnMS that results in energy performance improvement. It enables the user of this document to implement a phased approach to achieve a level of energy management appropriate to its objectives and to build a strong foundation which can subsequently be extended towards meeting the requirements of ISO 50001:2018. This document is consistent with ISO 50001:2018 but does not cover all of its requirements.

General Information

Status : ACTIVE
Standard Type: Main
Document No: CSA ISO 50005:22
Document Year: 2022
Pages: 54
Adopted: Yes

Life Cycle

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CSA ISO 50005:22
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