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CSA C508:24

Benchmark energy factor (BEF) assessment for wastewater treatment facilities

Standard Details

Preface This is the first edition of CSA C508, Benchmark energy factor (BEF) assessment for wastewater treatment facilities. CSA Group acknowledges that the development of this Standard was made possible, in part, by the financial support of BC Hydro, Electricity Canada, FortisBC Electric, Hydro Québec, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), and Québec Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP). This Standard was prepared by the Subcommittee on Benchmark Energy Factor for Wastewater Treatment Systems, under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on Energy Efficiency of Industrial Equipment and Systems and the Strategic Steering Committee on Performance, Energy Efficiency, and Renewables, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. This Standard has been developed in compliance with StandardDetails Council of Canada requirements for National StandardDetails of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group. Scope 1.1 Inclusions This Standard provides requirements for benchmark energy factor (BEF) assessment intended for wastewater treatment (WWT) facilities with the following characteristics: a) continuous systems operating with primary, secondary, and disinfection treatment stages; b) average daily wastewater flows >2.3 million L per day (MLD); c) average influent biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) between 30 and 1000 mg/L; and d) average effluent BOD level >0 mg/L. Note: Refer to Table 4regarding facility types by treatment level and effluent values. 1.2 Exclusions This Standard is not intended to be used for the following: a) upstream sewage collection network and downstream effluent discharge pumping system; Note: Use CSA C504 for BEF pumping system assessment. Design of the effluent discharge system should minimize energy requirements in consideration of effluent quality and the receiving environment. b) potable water treatment and distribution utilities; c) facultative waste stabilization ponds (i.e., lagoons); and d) industrial wastewater treatment. 1.3 Terminology In this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.

General Information

Status : ACTIVE
Standard Type: Main
Document No: CSA C508:24
Document Year: 2024
Pages: 49

Life Cycle

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CSA C508:24
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